Editor's Note: We updated this guide on June 24, 2024, upgrading the Grayl GeoPress Purifier to our top water filter for international travel. Kami juga memberikan informasi tentang metode pengujian kami, menambahkan bagian tentang keamanan air saat bepergian ke luar negeri ke saran pembelian kami, dan memastikan semua informasi produk terkini pada saat dipublikasikan.
Tidak diragukan lagi, Platypus GravityWorks adalah salah satu filter air paling nyaman di pasaran, dan filter ini wajib dimiliki untuk perjalanan berkemah Anda. Sistem ini tidak memerlukan pemompaan, memerlukan sedikit tenaga, dapat menyaring hingga 4 liter air sekaligus dan memiliki laju aliran tinggi 1,75 liter per menit. Gravity does all the work: simply fill a 4-liter “dirty” tank, hang it from a tree branch or boulder, and in just a few minutes you'll have 4 liters of clean water to drink. This filter is great for large groups, but we also like to use it on smaller outings because we can quickly grab the day's water and head back to camp to fill individual bottles (the clean bag also doubles as a water reservoir).
Namun dibandingkan dengan beberapa opsi minimalis di bawah ini, Platypus GravityWorks bukanlah perangkat kecil dengan dua tas, filter, dan sekumpulan tabung. Additionally, unless you have a deep enough or moving water source (similar to any bag-based system), obtaining water may be difficult. At $135, GravityWorks is one of the more expensive water filtration products. But we like the convenience, especially for group hikers or base camp type situations, and we think the cost and volume is worth it in those situations… Read More Platypus GravityWorks Review View Platypus GravityWorks 4L
The Sawyer Squeeze is the epitome of ultra-lightweight water handling ability and has been a mainstay on camping trips for years. Ada banyak manfaatnya, termasuk desain 3 ons yang ramping, garansi seumur hidup (Sawyer bahkan tidak membuat kartrid pengganti), dan harga yang sangat wajar. Ini juga sangat serbaguna: paling sederhana, Anda dapat mengisi salah satu dari dua kantong 32 ons yang disertakan dengan air kotor dan memerasnya ke dalam botol atau wadah bersih, panci, atau langsung ke mulut Anda. Sawyer juga dilengkapi dengan adaptor sehingga Anda dapat menggunakan Squeeze sebagai filter inline di dalam kantong hidrasi atau dengan botol atau tangki tambahan untuk pengaturan gravitasi (ideal untuk grup dan base camp).
Penutup Filter HydraPak 42mm adalah yang terbaru dari serangkaian filter pemerasan inovatif, melengkapi filter Katadyn BeFree, Platypus QuickDraw, dan LifeStraw Peak Squeeze di bawah. We've tested each of them consistently over the past four years, and the HydraPak is perhaps the most impressive of them all. Dijual terpisah seharga $35, HydraPak disekrup ke leher botol 42 mm (seperti botol lunak yang disertakan dalam rompi lari dari Salomon, Patagonia, Arc'teryx, dan lainnya) dan menyaring air dengan kecepatan lebih dari 1 liter per liter. menit. Kami mendapati HydraPak lebih mudah dibersihkan dibandingkan QuickDraw dan Peak Squeeze, dan umur filternya lebih lama dibandingkan BeFree (1.500 liter vs. 1.000 liter).
BeFree was once the most popular product in this category, but HydraPak quickly surpassed it. Salah satu perbedaan utama antara kedua filter ini adalah desain tutupnya: Flux memiliki tutup yang jauh lebih halus, dengan bukaan pivot tahan lama yang berfungsi dengan baik dalam melindungi serat berongga di dalamnya. In comparison, the BeFree spout looks cheap and reminiscent of disposable plastic water bottles, and the cap is easy to tear off if you're not careful. We also found that the HydraPak's flow rate remained fairly stable over time, whereas our BeFree's flow rate slowed down despite frequent maintenance. Most runners already have one or two soft bottles, but if you're looking to buy a HydraPak filter with a container, check out the Flux+ 1.5L and Seeker+ 3L ($55 and $60, respectively). See HydraPak 42mm Filter Cap.
For tourists looking for a simple solution, a universal filter and bottle is one of the best options for water purification. Kit Peak Squeeze mencakup filter pemerasan yang mirip dengan tutup filter HydraPak yang ditunjukkan di atas, tetapi juga menggabungkan semua yang Anda perlukan ke dalam satu paket sederhana dengan menempelkan botol lunak yang kompatibel. Perangkat ini sangat bagus sebagai perangkat portabel untuk lari lintas alam dan hiking saat air tersedia, dan juga dapat digunakan untuk menuangkan air bersih ke dalam panci setelah berkemah. Ini sangat tahan lama dibandingkan dengan labu HydraPak standar (termasuk yang disertakan dengan BeFree di bawah), dan filternya juga cukup serbaguna, seperti Sawyer Squeeze, yang juga disekrup ke botol ukuran standar. can be used as a gravity filter, although the tubing and “dirty” reservoir must be purchased separately.
When analyzing the differences between LifeStraw and its competitors, Peak Squeeze falls short in several areas. Pertama, ukurannya lebih besar dan lebih berat daripada tutup filter HydraPak dengan labu yang berfungsi (atau Katadyn BeFree), dan memerlukan jarum suntik (termasuk) untuk membersihkannya dengan benar. Unlike the Sawyer Squeeze, it only has a spout on one end, which means it cannot be used as an in-line filter with a hydration reservoir. Finally, despite the high stated flow rate, we found the Peak Squeeze to clog quite easily. But the price is only $44 for the 1-liter model ($38 for the 650 ml bottle), and the simplicity and convenience of the design can't be beat, especially when compared to the Sawyer. Overall, we're more likely to recommend Peak Squeeze for simple standalone use than any other filter setting. View LifeStraw Peak Squeeze 1l
Tipe: Filter pompa/pemurni air Berat: 1 lb 1,0 oz Masa pakai filter: 10.000 liter Apa yang kami suka: Pemurni air portabel tercanggih di pasaran. What we don't like: At $390, the Guardian is the most expensive option on this list.
The MSR Guardian costs 10 times more than many popular squeeze filters, but this pump is what you need. Best of all, it's both a water filter and a purifier, meaning you get the highest level of protection against protozoa, bacteria and viruses, as well as a filter to remove debris. In addition, the Guardian is equipped with advanced self-cleaning technology (approximately 10% of the water in each pump cycle is used to clean the filter) and is much less likely to malfunction than cheaper models. Terakhir, MSR memiliki laju aliran yang sangat tinggi yaitu 2,5 liter per menit. The result is maximum productivity and peace of mind when traveling to less developed parts of the world or other high-use areas where viruses are most often carried in human waste. In fact, Guardian is such a reliable and convenient system that it is also used by the military and as emergency water purifiers after natural disasters.
Anda tidak akan menemukan pompa filter/pemurni yang lebih cepat atau lebih andal, tetapi bagi banyak orang, MSR Guardian berlebihan. Besides the cost, it's significantly heavier and bulkier than most filters, weighing just over a pound and packaged about the size of a 1-liter water bottle. Additionally, while the cleaning features are convenient for traveling and camping in some parts of the world, they are not necessary in most wilderness areas of the United States and Canada. Namun, Guardian benar-benar merupakan pembersih ransel terbaik yang pernah ada dan sangat berharga bagi mereka yang membutuhkannya. MSR also makes the Guardian Gravity Purifier ($300), which uses the same advanced technology as the Guardian but uses a gravity setting… Read our in-depth review of the Guardian Purifier. Check out the MSR Guardian cleaning system.
Type: Chemical cleaner. Weight: 0.9 oz. Proportion: 1 liter per tablet What we like: Simple and easy. Apa yang tidak kami miliki: Lebih mahal dari Aquamira, dan Anda meminum air tanpa filter langsung dari sumbernya.
Type: Bottle filter/purifier. Weight: 15.9 oz. Filter life: 65 gallons What we like: Innovative and easy-to-use cleaning system, ideal for international travel. Apa yang tidak kami sukai:Tidak terlalu praktis untuk perjalanan jauh dan jauh.
When it comes to traveling abroad, water can be a tricky topic. Waterborne illnesses don't just happen in remote areas: Many travelers get sick after drinking unfiltered tap water abroad, whether from viruses or foreign contaminants. Meskipun menggunakan air kemasan kemasan adalah solusi yang relatif sederhana, Grayl GeoPress dapat menghemat uang Anda sekaligus meminimalkan sampah plastik. Like the much more expensive MSR Guardian above, Grayl both filters and purifies water, and does so in a simple but attractive 24-ounce bottle and plunger. Cukup pisahkan kedua bagian botol, isi alat press bagian dalam dengan air dan tekan bagian luar cangkir hingga sistem menyatu kembali. Overall, this is a relatively quick, easy and reliable process as long as you have constant access to water. Greil also makes the upgraded 16.9-ounce UltraPress ($90) and UltraPress Ti ($200), which feature a durable titanium bottle that can also be used to heat water over a fire.
Katadyn BeFree adalah salah satu filter pedalaman yang paling umum, digunakan oleh semua orang mulai dari pelari trail hingga pendaki harian dan backpacker. As with the Peak Squeeze above, the spin-on filter and soft bottle combination allows you to drink like any standard water bottle, with the water flowing straight through the filter and into your mouth. But the BeFree is a little different: the wider mouth makes refilling easier, and the whole thing is very light (just 2.6 ounces) and noticeably more compact. Hikers may want to opt for the more durable Peak Squeeze, but ultralight hikers (including hikers, climbers, cyclists, and runners) will be better off with the BeFree.
Jika Anda menyukai Katadyn BeFree, pilihan lainnya adalah membeli tutup filter HydraPak di atas dan memasangkannya dengan botol lunak. In our experience, the HydraPak is the clear winner in terms of build quality and filter longevity: We tested both filters thoroughly, and the BeFree's flow rate (especially after some use) was much slower than the HydraPak's. If you're considering a BeFree for hiking, you might also want to consider the Sawyer Squeeze, which has a longer filter life (effectively a lifetime warranty), doesn't clog as quickly, and can be converted to an inline filter. Or a gravity filter. But for a more streamlined package than Peak Squeeze, there's a lot to like about BeFree. See Katadyn BeFree 1.0L Water Filtration System.
Bagi wisatawan, ada beberapa pilihan penjernihan air kimia yang masing-masing memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing. Aquamira adalah larutan klorin dioksida cair yang harganya hanya $15 untuk 3 ons dan efektif dalam membunuh protozoa, bakteri, dan virus. Untuk menjernihkan air, campurkan 7 tetes Part A dan Part B ke dalam tutup yang telah disediakan, biarkan selama lima menit, lalu tambahkan campuran tersebut ke dalam 1 liter air. Then wait 15 minutes before drinking to protect against giardia, bacteria and viruses, or four hours to kill Cryptosporidium (which requires careful advance planning). Tidak ada keraguan bahwa sistem ini murah, ringan, dan tidak akan gagal seperti beberapa filter dan pemurni yang lebih rumit dalam daftar ini.
Type: Pump filter. Weight: 10.9 oz. Masa pakai filter: 750 liter Yang kami sukai: Filter serbaguna dan andal yang menghasilkan air bersih dari genangan air. Apa yang tidak kami sukai: Filter memiliki umur yang relatif pendek dan mahal untuk diganti.
Desain Katadyn Hiker ideal untuk pompa, namun sistem ini bukannya sempurna. The unit is made of ABS plastic and has a lot of hoses and small parts, and we've had parts fall off from other pumps in the past (not yet with the Katadyn, but that will happen). Another downside is that replacing the filter is quite expensive: after about 750 liters, you'll have to spend $55 for a new filter (MSR MiniWorks recommends replacing the filter after 2000 liters, which costs $58). But we still prefer the Katadyn, which delivers faster, smoother pumping despite its shorter filter life. See Katadyn Hiker microfilter.
What are you sacrificing now that the Wayfarer's price is significantly lower? First, the filter life is half that of the Guardian and, unfortunately, REI doesn't offer a replacement (you can buy one on the LifeSaver website, but at the time of publication it costs an extra $18 to ship from the UK). Second, the Wayfarer does not self-clean, which is one of the main features of the Guardian that allowed it to maintain such a high flow rate throughout its life (the LifeSaver also started out with a slower flow rate of 1.4 l/min) . . But compared to standard pump filters like the Katadyn Hiker above and the MSR MiniWorks EX below, it provides more protection for the same price. As our wild areas become more and more densely populated, a pump filter/purifier becomes more sensible and the LifeSaver Wayfarer becomes a very affordable solution. View LifeSaver Wayfarer
The aforementioned GravityWorks from Platypus is one of our favorite water filters for groups, and the QuickDraw featured here offers a great solution for individuals. The QuickDraw is similar to designs like the Sawyer Squeeze and LifeStraw Peak Squeeze above, but with a nice twist: the new ConnectCap allows you to screw the filter directly onto a bottle with a narrow neck and comes with a convenient hose attachment for easy refilling via gravity filtration. kandung kemih. The QuickDraw has a claimed flow rate of an impressive 3 liters per minute (compared to the Squeeze's 1.7 liters per minute), and it rolls up into a tight pack for storage in a backpack or running vest. It's important to note that the included Platypus bag is more durable than the Sawyer bag and even has a convenient handle for easy access to the water.
Waktu posting: 29 Oktober 2024