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Acara Amazon Prime Day bulan Oktober telah tiba! Here we have collected all the valuable suggestions from Wirecutter.
If you're looking for the easiest way to get filtered drinking water at home, we recommend the Brita Elite Filter paired with the Brita Standard Daily 10-cup pitcher or (if your household uses a lot of water) the Brita 27-cup pitcher . Dispenser air Ultramax. But before you choose any of them, know that after nearly a decade of research into home water filtration, we believe that under-sink or under-faucet filters are the best choice. Alat ini tahan lebih lama, menyalurkan air bersih lebih cepat, mengurangi kontaminan, kecil kemungkinannya tersumbat, dan hanya membutuhkan waktu beberapa menit untuk dipasang.
Filter Brita yang paling efektif adalah filter Brita Elite. Ini bersertifikat ANSI/NSF dan menyaring lebih banyak kontaminan dibandingkan filter umpan gravitasi lainnya yang telah kami uji; ini termasuk timbal, merkuri, kadmium, PFOA dan PFOS, serta berbagai senyawa industri yang semakin banyak ditemukan dalam air keran. “polutan baru” ada. It has a lifespan of 120 gallons or six months, which is three times the rated life of most other filters. In the long run, this may make the Elite filter cheaper than the more common two-month filter. However, before six months have passed, sediment in the water may clog it. If you know your tap water is clean but you just want it to taste better, especially if it smells like chlorine, the standard Brita water pitcher and water dispenser filter costs less and is less likely to clog, but it is not certified. timbal atau senyawa industri apa pun.
Among the many Brita water bottles, our favorite is the Brita Standard Everyday Water Bottle 10 Cup. The no-nooks-and-cracks design makes cleaning easier than other Brita pitchers, and the one-handed lid makes refilling even easier. Pegangannya yang melengkung berbentuk C juga lebih nyaman daripada pegangan berbentuk D bersudut yang terdapat pada kebanyakan botol Brita.
The Brita Ultramax water dispenser holds approximately 27 cups of water (18 cups in the filter reservoir and another 9 or 10 cups in the top reservoir). Desainnya yang ramping menghemat ruang di lemari es, dan keran otomatis menutup setelah dituang untuk mencegah meluap. Ini adalah cara mudah untuk selalu mendapatkan cukup air dingin yang disaring.
Cyclopure Purefast filters use the same Dexsorb material that is used at some wastewater treatment plants to permanently remove chemicals (PFAS) from public water supplies. Ini cocok dengan kendi dan dispenser Brita yang kami rekomendasikan. It's rated at 65 gallons and filters quickly in our tests and doesn't slow down significantly over time, although as with any gravity filter, if there's a lot of sediment in the water it can become clogged. Filter ini juga dilengkapi dengan paket prabayar; send the used filter back to Cyclopure and the company will process it to destroy any captured PFAS so it can no longer enter the environment. Brita itself does not endorse the use of third party filters, but given that both Purefast filters and Dexsorb materials are NSF/ANSI certified to reduce PFAS, we feel confident in recommending them. Perhatikan bahwa ini hanya menangkap PFAS dan klorin. If you're concerned about other things, consider the Brita Elite;
I've been testing Wirecutter water filters since 2016. In my report, I spoke at length with NSF and the Water Quality Institute, the two major filter certification organizations in the United States, to understand how their testing is conducted. Saya telah mewawancarai perwakilan dari banyak produsen filter air untuk membantah klaim mereka. I've used several filters and pitchers over the years because overall durability, ease and cost of maintenance, and user friendliness are all very important for something you use multiple times a day.
Relying on gravity also means that pitcher filters are slow: a single fill of water from the top reservoir can take 5 to 15 minutes to pass through the filter, and often requires several top-ups to get a full pitcher of clean water. .
In the United States, public water supplies are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Safe Drinking Water Act, and water leaving public water treatment plants must meet strict quality standards. Namun, tidak semua potensi polutan diatur.
In addition, contaminants can enter after water leaves the treatment plant through leaky pipes or (in the case of lead) through leaching in the pipes themselves. Pengolahan air yang dilakukan atau diabaikan di pabrik bahkan dapat memperburuk pencucian di jaringan pipa hilir, seperti yang terjadi di Flint, Michigan.
Namun karena potensi kontaminasi di hilir, satu-satunya cara untuk mengetahui kandungan air di rumah Anda adalah dengan mengujinya. Laboratorium kualitas air setempat dapat melakukan hal ini, atau Anda dapat menggunakan alat pengujian di rumah. We looked at 11 of them in our guide and were impressed with SimpleLab's Tap Score, which is easy to use and provides a detailed, clearly written report of what, if any, contaminants are in your tap water.
Untuk memastikan kami hanya merekomendasikan filter yang dapat Anda percayai, kami telah lama menegaskan bahwa pilihan kami memenuhi standar terbaik: sertifikasi ANSI/NSF. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) are private, nonprofit organizations that work with the Environmental Protection Agency, manufacturers and other experts to develop rigorous quality standards and test thousands of products, including water protocols. menyaring.
Dua laboratorium sertifikasi filter air utama adalah NSF sendiri dan Water Quality Association (WQA). Keduanya terakreditasi penuh oleh ANSI dan Dewan Standar Kanada di Amerika Utara dan dapat melakukan pengujian sertifikasi ANSI/NSF.
But after years of internal debate, we now also accept the looser language of “tested to ANSI/NSF standards” rather than formal certification, subject to a few strict conditions: First, the testing is performed by an independent laboratory, not by an independent laboratorium. Filter manufacturer; second, the laboratory itself is accredited by ANSI or other national or non-governmental organizations to conduct rigorous testing according to established standards; third, the manufacturer discloses information about the testing laboratory, its results and methods; The manufacturer has extensive experience creating filters that have proven to be safe, reliable and honestly described.
We further narrowed it down to filters that are certified or equivalent to at least two of the major ANSI/NSF standards (Standard 42 and Standard 53) (covering chlorine and other “aesthetic” contaminants and heavy metals such as lead, respectively) as well as pesticides. dan senyawa organik lainnya). The relatively new 401 standard covers “emerging contaminants,” such as pharmaceuticals, that are increasingly found in water in the United States, which is why we pay special attention to filters.
We started searching for popular 10 to 11 cup capacity kettles and larger capacity water dispensers, which are especially useful for households with high water consumption. (Sebagian besar perusahaan juga menawarkan pitcher yang lebih kecil bagi mereka yang tidak membutuhkan model ukuran penuh.)
Kami melakukan beberapa pengujian pada beberapa filter pada tahun 2016, membandingkan hasil kami dengan sertifikasi ANSI/NSF dan klaim pabrikan. Di laboratoriumnya, John Holecek mengukur laju setiap filter menghilangkan klorin. For our first two options, we contracted for independent lead removal testing using significantly more lead contamination solutions than NSF requires in its certification agreement.
Kesimpulan utama dari pengujian kami adalah bahwa sertifikasi ANSI/NSF atau sertifikasi setara merupakan indikator kinerja filter yang andal. Hal ini tidak mengherankan mengingat sifat standar sertifikasi yang ketat. Sejak itu, kami mengandalkan sertifikasi ANSI/NSF atau sertifikasi setara untuk menentukan fungsi filter tertentu.
Brita Elite (formerly Longlast+) filters are ANSI/NSF certified to detect more than 30 contaminants (PDF), including lead, mercury, microplastics, asbestos, and two common PFAS: perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorinated octane sulfonic acid (PFOS). Ini menjadikannya filter pitcher paling tersertifikasi yang pernah kami uji, dan kami rekomendasikan bagi mereka yang menginginkan ketenangan pikiran maksimal.
It is proven to remove many other common stains. Ini termasuk klorin (yang ditambahkan ke air untuk mengurangi bakteri dan patogen lainnya dan merupakan penyebab utama air keran terasa tidak enak); karbon tetraklorida, senyawa organik yang mudah menguap yang merusak hati dan semakin banyak ditemukan dalam persediaan air; “Senyawa baru” ditemukan, termasuk bisphenol A (BPA), DEET (pengusir serangga yang umum) dan estron (suatu bentuk estrogen sintetis).
For a pitcher filter, it works quickly. Dalam pengujian kami, filter Elite baru hanya membutuhkan waktu lima hingga tujuh menit untuk terisi. Filter berukuran serupa yang kami uji memerlukan waktu lebih lama—biasanya 10 menit atau lebih.
But there is a caveat. Like almost all pitcher filters, the Elite can become clogged easily, which can slow down its filtration rate or even prevent it from filtering completely, meaning you'll have to replace it more often. Banyak sekali pemilik yang mengeluhkan masalah ini, dan dalam pengujian kami, Elite mulai terhenti sebelum mencapai kapasitas 120 galonnya. Jika Anda diketahui memiliki masalah dengan sedimen di air keran Anda (seringkali merupakan gejala pipa berkarat), kemungkinan besar Anda juga akan mengalami hal yang sama.
Waktu posting: 10 Oktober 2024